sobota, septembra 28, 2013


Bojujem s horúčkou a vraciam sa do chvíle,
Keď si šľahal plamene a rezal zákruty
a zvukom vzduch,
keď si mi rozjasnil dni
troma žltými kvetmi,
keď si ladil vodu
rôzne veľkými kameňmi,
keď stúpajúca para odnášala naše slová
ku hviezdam
a keď sme v noci nemuseli spať,
keď si mi ukázal ten pekný výhľad
a veterný svet,
keď sme sa nemuseli prestať rozprávať,
keď blčal oheň a naplavené konáre a vyhodené kamene
zostávali vysoko na strome,
keď sa môj smiech niesol ponad vodu
až na druhý breh,
keď som sa v jedno skoré ráno
pozerala na tvoj dychtivý odraz
Ostal si odrazom
V zrkadle,
Odrazom človeka,
Ktorý mi

štvrtok, septembra 19, 2013

zavrela som most...
a mlčím, pretože nič, čo by som povedala, by to teraz nezlepšilo. u mňa určite nie..
a tak si to prečítam, utriem tých pár sĺz, ktoré som nestihla zatlačiť naspäť...
dvihnem hlavu a snažím sa ísť ďalej

pondelok, septembra 02, 2013


Na odkvitnutej suchej lúke
Divožienka na motýle spomína
Keď nad kopcom sa vlní sivá dúha
Svoju lásku dusí v chabej ruke
A svoje sny trpko preklína
Jedno však vie,
už nikdy
nechce byť
Tá druhá

nedeľa, septembra 01, 2013


3:40 am, the phone rings.
She knows who is calling.
Even though she was fast asleep, she knew who would call.
Without opening her eyes she answered the phone.
They’ve talked a little, they’ve talked a lot.
-          Come – he said
-          Come
-          Come
-          Come – echoed in her head
NO, screamed everything inside her.
YES, she said, I have to.
But if you go, you’ll surely die.
No, only you’ll die...
Half an hour later, she was on her way.
9 hours later, with an empty gaze and an empty hole inside her, she’s coming back.
Not feeling anything.
Last time, it took her more than a year to resume life, to resume the passion of living, the strength of feeling.
How long would it be now? Maybe few months, maybe another year, maybe she’ll never be fully alive again.
She knew what she was doing, what path she was taking.
She let herself die, this time it was her choice and not someone else’s as it was last time.
This time, she knew, what would this shortcut cost her.
She chose to die, because healing would take too long and she was tired of that pain.
Maybe she’ll never be fully alive again.

And all she wanted was that he'd love her back ...